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Your Child’s Wisdom Teeth: A Guide for Parents 

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September 21, 2022

Having your child undergo the extraction of their wisdom teeth is stressful no matter how old they are. Generally speaking, wisdom tooth removal is one of the last major oral surgeries an individual has before adulthood. Even if your child is on their own or soon to be, they will need your help whether they want to admit it or not. At Korb & Taylor in Suwannee, GA, we’ve put together this helpful guide for parents so that the whole family can be prepared for your child's wisdom teeth removal.

Getting Ready: Preparing Your Child for Wisdom Tooth Removal 

If your child’s dentist has found that they need their wisdom teeth removed, they will first refer you to a practice such as ours. We will schedule an appointment and have one of our surgeons take a look at your teeth. We will go over the wisdom tooth removal process with you and your child. Each person’s mouth is different, so we will have to take that into account as we discuss the next steps. 

Prior to surgery, we recommend you have your child put in for a few days off from school, work, or any other obligations to ensure a smooth recovery. We will also request you to arrange a ride to and from the surgery. 

What to Expect on the Day of Your Child’s Wisdom Tooth Removal 

The extraction process for your child's wisdom teeth is usually less than 45 minutes. We administer anesthesia to prevent discomfort and alleviate anxiety. Surgeons make small incisions into the gums, using specialized tools to split wisdom teeth into multiple sections. This allows easier removal. We also clean the extraction site and stitch the wound(s) closed.  

Again, it is crucial to have a ride arranged following the procedure. Your child will not be able to drive themselves home due to the aftereffects of anesthesia, as well as any other pain medication that may be prescribed. 

The extraction process is usually less than 45 minutes. We administer anesthesia to prevent discomfort and alleviate anxiety. Surgeons make small incisions into the gums, using specialized tools to split wisdom teeth into multiple sections. This allows easier removal. We also clean the extraction site and stitch the wound(s) closed.  

Again, it is crucial to have a ride arranged following the procedure. Your child will not be able to drive themselves home due to the aftereffects of anesthesia, as well as any other pain medication that may be prescribed. 

Your Child’s Recovery from Oral Surgery 

You can expect some slight discomfort, pain, and swelling for the first three days following surgery. Give your child pain medication as prescribed by our doctors, making sure not to give too much or too little. Ice packs are also encouraged during this time.  

The first 24 hours are the most important. Your child must not brush nor floss their back teeth. Likewise, rinsing your mouth should be avoided, as well as any intensive exercise. If your child experiences bleeding or redness, have them sit upright and bite firmly onto a gauze pad for around 30 minutes. 

To fully heal takes around a month post-surgery, however, your child will most likely be able to resume normal activities after three days. 

Contact Us to Learn More 

At Korb & Taylor, we know that anytime a child undergoes surgery it is stressful for the parent. That’s why we are here to help. To talk to one of our professionals, contact us and schedule a consultation today

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4355 Johns Creek Pkwy. Suite 530
 Suwanee GA, 30024
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