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Post-Op Instructions

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Bite down firmly on gauze for 1- hour intervals until bleeding subsides. At the end of each hour remove gauze and watch for active oozing/bleeding. Change the gauze hourly until bleeding has subsided. This is very important for the formation of blood clots. You may need to change gauze 3-4 times. DO NOT use the amount of blood on the gauze to determine the extent of bleeding.

Bone Grafting/Implant

Your surgery area has been carefully stitched. Very little bleeding if any should occur. If needed, bite down lightly on gauze for 1-hour intervals until bleeding subsides.
Apply ice to side or side(s) of face for 30-minutes on and 30-minutes off, for the first 24-hours. Elevate head on 2-pillows when resting after surgery and at night when sleeping. Swelling is to be expected and often peaks on the 2nd or 3rd day. However, if the swelling continues to enlarge after time, contact the office. Swelling will often persist for a week and is not necessarily a sign of infection. Normal postoperative swelling may last 7 to 10 days in some cases.
Begin with soft bland food and advance to a regular diet as tolerated. Foods that cause excess discomfort are too hard. Avoid foods likely to get caught in surgery sites or tear stitches such as: chips, nuts, rice, popcorn, etc. Drink plenty of fluids. 3-quarts daily are recommended. REMEMBER – NO hot food, hot beverages or active chewing while your mouth is still numb.

DO NOT chew on or apply any force to your surgery site until Dr. Korb approves.
Begin pain medication as directed by Dr. Korb so that it has an opportunity to take effect prior to local anesthetic wearing off. Pain medication can cause some stomach upset, therefore, it is best to take with food. Like alcohol, prescription pain medication can impair your ability to drive. DO NOT operate heavy machinery for 8-hours after your last dose.
Like swelling, pain often peaks on the 3rd day. It is normal to have pain after surgery as long as it begins to make improvement after the 3rd day. Pain medication should only be taken on an as needed basis after day 3, and over the counter pain medication can be used for mild pain.
Begin antibiotic prescription as directed by Dr. Korb.
Begin Medrol Dose Pack prescription as directed by Dr. Korb.
The last of your home care is to rinse with your prescription mouth rinse, Peridex/Perioguard as directed. Keep in mind not to eat or drink for 30-minutes after its use and trying to rinse with water will wash away the effect of the rinse and make the taste worse. Mild bruising of the face or neck may be normal and is generally no cause for alarm.
During the recuperative period avoid the following:
– Spitting
– Tobacco products
– Alcohol or sedatives
– Carbonated beverages
NO HOT liquids (ex: soup, tea and coffee) until advised otherwise
– Peroxide or over the counter mouth rinses
– Drinking through a straw
– Strenuous Activity
BONE GRAFTING / IMPLANT: (in addition to the above)
– Electric toothbrush or Waterpik
– Chewing on or applying any force to your implant/bone graft area
– Avoid wearing your temporary replacement as much as possible
These activities can increase your chances of increased bleeding, delayed or improper wound healing, damage to the stitches and/or dry sockets.
Please call our office if any of the following symptoms develop:
– Vomiting
– Generalized rash or itch
– Bloody or persistent diarrhea
– Increasing pain or swelling after the 3rd day
– Fever greater than 101 degrees F
– Foul taste or discharge which persists in the face of adequate oral hygiene
– If your temporary restoration places any pressure on the surgery site

The Day After the surgery

Begin gently brushing and flossing all of your teeth to remove plaque. During healing it is best to use regular fluoride toothpaste (no added ingredients). A foul taste or odor is indicative of poor oral hygiene. Avoid all over the counter mouth rinses. Rinse mouth gently every 3-4 hours (especially 30-minutes after meals) using ½ teaspoon of salt in an 8 oz. glass of warm water.
Continue to use salt water rinse for one week postoperatively. Draw up salt water in the irrigating syringe and with the tip inside of the socket, flush gently after meals and before going to bed. You will do this until the sockets heal over (about 2-4 weeks).

Over The Counter Pain Management

Take 2 Tylenol (500 mg each)
After 3 hours
Take 3 Advil OR Ibuprofen (200 mg each)
After 3 hours
Take 2 Tylenol (500 mg each)
Repeat as needed for pain management
*****USE Percocet OR Lortab to REPLACE Tylenol as needed for severe pain. ****

We Accept and Commit to The Following Responsibilities Regarding Your Treatment

  • Our office will place your overall well-being above all else.
  • We will treat you with respect, compassion and empathy.
  • We will listen to your concerns and needs and provide timely and accurate answers to your question regarding your present condition, proposed treatment and handling of fees.
  • We will always allow you to be involved in all aspects of your care and to participate in all decisions regarding your treatment.
  • We will use the finest skills, techniques, materials and equipment available in order to ensure the most favorable outcome possible.
  • We will closely monitor your healing and progress to ensure your treatment is a success.
  • We will communicate with your dentist in order to coordinate your care and treatment throughout the healing process.
  • We will provide you with all of the information necessary to care for our surgical site throughout the healing process.
  • We will make every effort to work in unity with your dentist in order to enable you to enjoy the improvement in the quality of your life, which comes with a healthy and attractive mouth.

Your Responsibilities Include

  • You are responsible for asking questions when you do not understand information or instructions.
  • You are responsible for accepting the consequences of not following instructions. If you believe you cannot follow through with your instructions, you are responsible for letting us know so we can help.
  • You are responsible for sharing information about any changes in your health.
  • You are responsible for the following aspects of your post-operative care, which are vitally important to the success:
    • Scheduling and keeping appointments throughout the healing phase to allow us to monitor progress and eliminate potential healing problems.
    • Notifying us of any changes or concerns that you have in the course of healing.
    • Not chewing on or applying any force to our implant during the healing phase.
    • Using prescribed medications (especially antibiotics, steroids, and mouth rinses) as directed.
    • Maintenance of good oral hygiene. Please note that smoking adversely affects healing and hygiene.
    • Slowing down your busy lifestyle enough to allow for ideal healing.
      Examples or guidelines include but are not limited to:
      • No strenuous physical activity including sports, manual labor, heavy lifting, etc.
      • Minimize out of town travel.
    • Rest as much as possible. Acceptable activities include reading, watching TV, working on the computer.

Contact Information


4355 Johns Creek Pkwy. Suite 530
 Suwanee GA, 30024
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© 2025. All rights reserved. | Korb and Taylor Oral Surgery • GA Specialty Dental Services, PC - Paul Korb, DMD.